Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jessica & Dan | Engagement Photos

One very chilly morning in October, we headed out to Frontier Park in St. Charles, MO to photograph Jessica & Dan…hoping to get some wonderful engagement pics.  I think we pretty much nailed it!  It’s going to be hard to narrow it down to just a few photos to share, but I will do my best!  :)

The day started out with some horrific fog…enough that I wondered if we would get any good shots at all…JessicaNDan-101

But, as the sun came up, it started to burn off of the fog…leaving a beautiful morning for photos.JessicaNDan-103

Jessica was a natural in front of the camera…during the course of the photo shoot, we found out that she has had some professional experience.  We also learned that she is an avid photographer herself.  Dan was an incredible subject as well ~ He followed Jessica’s lead, and was very relaxed and natural in front of the camera.  They are a beautiful and amazing couple, and their chemistry together made us look GOOD!  ;)

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This shows you just how foggy it was that morning…that cloudy area?  That’s the river!JessicaNDan-180glow JessicaNDan-152texture

Here are a couple of ring shots.  I think the top one below is one of my all time favorites.  It was taken on a deck plank that was covered with frost.  I love how the ring blends in with the ice crystals.   It’s gorgeous! 

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Seriously, are they PERFECT or WHAT?!!?  Oh, and they cuddle with each other VERY well!  See below!JessicaNDan-221mocha JessicaNDan-311 JessicaNDan-210mocha

During our photographic journey, we discovered this wagon wheel…actually, if I am remembering correctly, Dan found the wagon wheel.  I love the colors and texture of this photo:JessicaNDan-313

Behind the wagon was this awesome, rustic, textured building…JessicaNDan-367texture  JessicaNDan-349 JessicaNDan-359brighttexture

After the “building” photos, we headed over to the old, unused railroad tracks…the colors in this photo are amazing!JessicaNDan-399

Ok, I know I already posted a “boot” pic, but I can’t help myself!  I fell in love with Jessica’s boots!JessicaNDan-464 JessicaNDan-498 JessicaNDan-418cinnamon JessicaNDan-448

We can’t wait to photograph Jessica and Dan’s wedding!  Luckily, we won’t have to wait that long…they are getting married in JUNE!  WOO HOO!!

Jessica and Dan ~ we hope that you are enjoy your photos as much as we enjoyed taking them.  We had an incredible time with the two of you, and look forward to your wedding day!  :)
